
Showing posts from April, 2010

Fascist Liberalism or Why The World Got Screwed in 1914

I'm back! Sorry to have been away so's the day job that's been giving me a headache, you see. My trouble of the day comes from a joke a man made last night: he told me that he is politically a "fascist liberal." Go figure.... As we say in Serbia: every joke is half true. That got me wondering...what, if anything, could fascist liberalism be and how did we get to making such jokes in the first place? The absence of ideology from modern politics is plain to see. We have right wing parties that speak for the workers, left wing parties that are "business friendly".... Nobody wants to make any radical moves either to the left or to the right.... The revolutionaries of our day are people who fight against existing structures without any idea of their own (the anti-global movement, or how to present being an urban bum as a political statement). Alternatively, they fight for causes based on evidence churned out by the global elite (e....